30 Days 30 Machine Learning Projects Challenge

I have been reading a lot about Machine Learning and AI recently and finished a number of tutorials on Coursera, YouTube, and Google. I do understand the basics, but I find myself getting bored too quickly.

I can read tutorials and all, but they become boring after some time. I believe learning by doing is more fun, especially for an experienced Web Developer like me. So, I have challenged myself to do this challenge of completing 30 small projects in 30 days.

What Projects should I work on?

I want to learn gradually. I don’t want to pick a complex project at the start and risk getting stuck. So the plan is to increase the complexity gradually.

I decided to ask the same question from ChatGPT, and this is what I am planning to follow.

Week Day Project
1 1 Predict house prices using Simple Linear Regression
1 2 Classify Iris flowers into species using Logistic Regression
1 3 Recognize handwritten digits with k-Nearest Neighbors on MNIST
1 4 Diagnose breast cancer as malignant or benign using a Decision Tree
1 5 Filter spam from a collection of emails using Naive Bayes
1 6 Predict wine quality from physicochemical properties using SVM
1 7 Determine Credit Card defaults using a Random Forest Classifier
2 8 Detecting fake news with a PassiveAggressive Classifier and TfidfVectorizer
2 9 Forecasting weather with Simple Linear Regression on time series data
2 10 Recommender System using Collaborative Filtering on user-item ratings matrix
2 11 Anomaly detection in network traffic with Isolation Forest
2 12 Predicting airline passenger satisfaction with Gradient Boosting Machine (GBM)
2 13 Build a music genre classifier using audio features extraction
2 14 Cluster grocery store customers based on purchase history with K-Means
3 15 Sentiment analysis of Twitter data using NLP techniques
3 16 Real-time face detection in a webcam feed using Haar Cascades
3 17 Image Classification with a small Convolutional Neural Network in Keras
3 18 Suicide ideation detection on social media text with LSTM network
3 19 Time Series Forecasting of stock prices with an ARIMA model
3 20 Object Recognition with a pre-trained Model from TensorFlow Hub
3 21 Building a chatbot using a seq2seq RNN architecture
4 22 Image segmentation to separate object from the background in photos
4 23 Feature extraction from text with BERT embeddings to improve classification
4 24 Traffic sign recognition using a Deep CNN with TensorFlow/Keras
4 25 Pose estimation in videos using OpenPose
4 26 Deploy a machine learning model using Flask and Heroku for real-time predictions
4 27 Automated Resume Screening System (parse CVs and rank the best candidates)
4 28 Build an algorithmic trading bot with reinforcement learning
4 29 Voice recognition system to execute commands (like Siri or Alexa)
4 30 Capstone Project: Autonomous vehicle image steering angle prediction (Self-driving car concept)


I am a morning person. I am planning to dedicate 2 hours in the early morning for the project and write up the progress post in the evening after my work hours.

The challenge starts on the 11th of September 2024 and ends on the 10th of October 2024.

Git repository for the code-base: HERE

Why am I sharing this?

I saw myself procrastinating a lot lately. So, posting my updates here will leave me accountable. Solving every day, I may not end up with the perfect solution for the projects, but the learning and iterative development process is the key to learning any new skill.

Come and join if you feel the same!! Otherwise too ;)

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